Missional Link Love

Brother Maynard has started a meme to post links to under-read and -appreciated emerging/missional church bloggers. Somehow I wound up on the list, who knew?

Here’s how you can play: pick a few missionally-minded bloggers that don’t get a lot of attention in the blogosphere (say, under 150 links on technorati’s emerging church list) and add them to the list below. Even better, go to Br. Maynard’s  meme-instigating post, and grab the most recent list from whoever has commented last. And then leave a comment yourself so that others can see and copy your list. I only added two, since this list is getting extensive!

2 responses to “Missional Link Love”

  1. I hope you didn’t mind me putting you on the list – I did so with a little bit of fear and trepidation after I ‘tagged’ you a few months ago and you mentioned a bit of distaste for that litle game :). Personally, I have really appreciated your reflections – although I do not always comment – and believe people in this ‘conversation’ generally need to seriously consider a lot of what you write.

  2. Oh, the list is no problem… I find lots of things cheesy that are still actually kind of cool and useful.

    Thanks for the kind words. You’ve been writing some thought-provoking stuff as well, but I just haven’t had the time to comment. Bloody school…

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